Frequently Asked Questions!


How does Babe Oil interact with the sun?

The sea buckthorn and carrot seed in the oil help to expand your threshold for sun exposure, I.e., how long you can be in the sun without burning. The sea buckthorn contains carotenoids and anthocyanins that help skin protect itself from the stress of too much sun. The effects of these compounds on skins ability to withstand sun exposure are cumulative over time and will offer the best protection after several weeks of use. 

The other plants like rose, astragalus, and sea buckthorn in Babe Oil offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits which can help protect from photo-oxidative stress and further enjoy the benefits of sunlight. Our skin was designed to metabolize sunlight and Babe Oil is formulated to help us do just that. 

The intention is to use Babe Oil along with an intentional sun bathing practice to nourish our vitamin D levels all year long, reclaim our skins natural ability to self-protect with melanin and//or to use whenever because it’s botanicals are great for skin.

Under solar noon conditions I advise covering up, wearing hats, or rocking out in the shade. 


Is Babe Oil a sunscreen?

Babe Oil is definitely not a sunscreen. The way that sunscreens work is by blocking out either the entire UV spectrum (e.g., full-spectrum mineral sunscreens) or blocking only UVB rays, allowing the UVA rays to continue to penetrate deeper layers of the dermis (e.g., basically all conventional sunscreens). 

Mineral sunscreens are relatively safe, though they do not allow for any of the UV light we need for many biological processes, such as immune function and cellular regeneration, to be absorbed. Conventional sunscreens are a far riskier choice as their UVB blocking chemicals (such as oxybenzone, octinoxate, and homosalate) have been linked to major disruptions in the endocrine system (what makes your body produce the right hormones at the right time, whose disruptions can lead to a host of scary diseases like cancers)1 2 3 . Not only that, but by blocking only UVB, the rays responsible for sunburns but also what we make vitamin D out of, we are still receiving UVA rays. Without the "alarm system" of a sunburn to inform us when we have crossed our sun exposure threshold, we run the risk of causing far deeper damage on our skin than we would if we just moisturized and listened to our body's natural cues. 

 When should I use Babe Oil?

Babe is great for sun bathing, as mentioned above, but also great for any moment you find yourself having skin! Especially skin that is a little dry, like upon waking or when traveling, or when you anticipate skin becoming dry and vulnerable, like immediately after bathing.

For daily moisturizing, I recommend mixing a squirt of Babe with some natural body lotion or another favorite carrier oil - this is because Babe Oil is a potent infusion and can be stretched and diluted to extend the life of your bottle. 

Also can be used for intimate moments and tender parts. The frankincense can be a bit bitter and doesn't inspire the most mouthwatering experience, but is perfectly safe to ingest and over time you might find that you don't mind a little Babe in your mouth 😉


Is Babe Oil organic?

All the ingredients in Babe Oil are organic, wild-crafted, or intentionally selected to be safe and pesticide-free for your sacred squish vessel. 


Can I use Babe Oil while pregnant? 

I am not authorized to state whether this is a good choice for your pregnant body, however I can advise that there is a small amount of carrot seed oil in the recipe which is generally contraindicated for pregnancy. The amount in the oil is extremely small, about 1-2 drops per 4 oz bottle of Babe. So please use your own discretion and/or consult an herbalist that you know and trust to help you make this choice. 


If you have further questions, feel free to email me and I would be happy to answer // thicken this FAQ section with more info :)